The Mindset Shift That Changes Everything

The Mindset Shift That Changes Everything

Quick Tip: It’s not win or lose—it’s win or learn. Every attempt teaches you something, so take what you’ve learned, try again, and keep going.✨

Last week, I started and finished a new sweater—a modified version of the Tamarind Cardigan from my book, Cardigans For Every Body.

[See my sweater and the details here on my Instagram.]

Getting to this point, where I can knit and crochet sweaters that actually fit my body, didn’t happen overnight. Over a decade ago, I wasn’t making sweaters for myself because:

  1. I didn’t think my body, as it was then, was worthy of the time and effort it takes to make a sweater.

  2. I had no idea how to size patterns up to fit me.

I didn’t see people who looked like me in handmade sweaters in books or magazines, so I assumed I had to change myself to fit. And I tried—for years. I won’t even tell you how many sweaters I made for the body I was working toward, the one I thought I’d finally fit into one day when I lost enough weight.

That day never came.

Instead, what did come was the realization that I didn’t need to change my body—I needed to change the patterns. I learned to embrace where I was, right then and there, and figure out how to make sweaters for the body I was already in.

At first, I made a lot of mistakes. And I could have quit. I could have seen every failed attempt as a loss.

But here’s the thing: it’s never just win or lose. It’s win… or learn. Every attempt is an opportunity. If you nail it on the first try? Amazing. But if things don’t go as planned, that doesn’t mean you failed. It means you learned something. And that’s the real win.

So take what you’ve learned, try again, and keep going.

Because the sweater that actually fits is always worth it.

Have you ever had a “win or learn” moment in your knitting or crocheting journey? Comment below and share—I’d love to hear your story!

P.S Check out Cardigans For Every Body MASTERCLASS here.

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