
3) Support black/BIPOC businesses directly: 

Better than making a donation to me, support a black/BIPOC business directly. Go to their shops and make a purchase. Buy gift cards. Amplify their voices. I know we’re going through a pandemic and economic crises, so if you are unable to make a purchase, share their work on your feed (social media). Crochet and knit their patterns and share it. I know it feels fun, to be a part of the group when you’re knitting on patterns from the Andreas and Amys, and making the cross stitch of the Karens of the community. But, lets make a bit of effort to find voices that are just as amazing, that just aren’t being heard.

  • Now, if you’re looking for a place to start, I follow a lot of amazing BIPOC people across many sectors and even more talented people follow me. Go to my Instagram @KnitDesigns by Tian, find some talented BIPOC creatives, and start building relationships.

  • BIPOC in Fiber is an amazing resource and directory that you can use to connect with makers in the fiber community. Check it out here.

4) Help support protesters and the cause: 

written June 2, 2020

As I am writing this, black people, who have been under attached for generations are in the streets across America protesting the violence against black bodies.

Needless to say, we are tired.

We are tired of the constant fear; fear of harm to us and our families and friends. This is a heavy topic and I say more about it here and here and here

In response to my posts, many of you want to do more. You have asked in emails and DM what you can do to support me and how you can support a black/BIPOC business… There are many ways, but here are a few ways:

1) To support me:

To support me, you can buy my crochet/knit patterns, books, and courses. Book a coaching session. Become a Patreon supporter.

2) To support a black/BIPOC to access my courses, books, coaching: 

To make a monetary donation that will be pooled to create scholarships for black/BIPOC, make a donation here. These funds will go directly to designers, tech editors, makers, and creative women business owners that have a need to work with me through my courses, books, and coaching, but do not have the necessary means.

If you are a black/BIPOC women business owner who wants to take one of my courses, buy a book, or get one-on-one coaching, join Real Talk with Tian, my private Facebook group, where I will have a post that you can you put your name on the list for consideration when funds are available. I’ll put up a post that you can, in the comments, let me know what you need support with. If it’s a course or book, be specific. If it’s coaching you need support with, let me know what specifically you need help focusing on.

This group is specifically for women business owners, including but not limited to designers, makers, tech editors, and creatives. So, whether you are making a donation or wanting to be a recipient of a scholarship, join.

*Be sure to answer all the challenge questions to join the FB group!
