S2 E2 - How to recover from a failed launch
Today's real talk is about marketing and promotion for creative business owners.
Yes, we're tackling the question I've been getting a lot lately from markers, creatives, and designers just like you. And that question is, 'I'm marketing like mad and I'm still not getting any positive results. What am I doing wrong?'
If this is a question you have, stay tuned. Real talk with Tian starts now!
Need help taking that next step? Need clarity on your message to attract your ideal customer? Get the support you need to reach your creative goals.
Pattern Grading Made Easy: How to grade like a pro! (self-study) - Pattern Grading Made Easy (self-study) bit.ly/patterngradingselfstudy
One-on-one Coaching with Tian
Website: TianConnaughton.com
Instagram: @TianConnaughton