32 Market Street Tee yarn choice
Yarn choice, because it's your business
We’ve talked about what’s in a name, right? A name can be the foreshadowing of what to expect. And that’s what 32 Market Street Tee is all about. From these humble beginnings was borne a great leader.
Now, let’s talk bout the choices we make to get us to the end goal we want. We know that Garvey sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide. Despite your feelings on Garvey’s view and how he went about his activism - Universal Negro Improvement Association, a fraternal organization of black nationalists, a group that advocated for “separate but equal” status for persons of African ancestry, and sought to establish independent black states around the world on the west coast of Africa, despite whether you agree or not, given how Black people were and are treated, you can understand why he wanted to protect his people.
And it’s that mindset that I approach all my designs, right? We can agree to disagree while acknowledging the underlying reasoning.
As such, when I recommend KnitCircus Yarn Greatest of Ease (fingering weight) for this design. Sure, you may not want to use this yarn for whatever reason. You might have a different color in mind that works better for your skin tone. And that’s okay. You might decide, heck, I don’t want to use fingering weight, and again, that’s your choice. In the voice of Tabitha Brown, that’s your business.
But we can all agree to appreciate the underlying reasoning for the choices made for the sample and not make it mean anything - good or bad - if you choose something else. So, if you want to use Knit Picks Hawthorne or a more budget-friendly brand, go for it. You are in control.
You have the ability to choose what works for YOU!
You have the power to change who you become and what you want for the world.
You got this!